Watch a short educational video about leather materials.
Author: Sean Ongley
Bitcoin and Crypto Payments Now Available
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies now accepted.
Fashion Show Friday!
We’re joining our first fashion show in years!
New Products, Old Ideas Revised
Clearance sales on Mammoth and Snow Ermine are in effect. This is to accelerate plans to improve those designs. In fact, Ermine is a new design based on a strap used in the past. The cut on this strap came out 1/16″ too wide, but it still fits through the buckle, just a little tight.… Continue reading New Products, Old Ideas Revised
Crypto payments postponed
Once again, the flaw of centralized systems reveals itself. That is discontinuity. This website utilizes free and open source software called WordPress, which has a standard commerce plugin called WooCommerce. Both of these systems are very secure, durable, and in some respects decentralized. There was a third system involved called CoinPayments, and they are discontinuing… Continue reading Crypto payments postponed