Kismet is the first event that I applied to as a local vendor, this coming June 4, Held Gear will have a booth at Day Jawn, put on by FRNDS Studios. It is a pop up mall of local vendors in the ambience of North Portland’s sculpture gardens, with the ambience of great local DJ’s.… Continue reading Day Jawn is our Grand Opening in Philadelphia
Production to Resume Soon
Last week, the deed was done. I met up with Founder Micah (Twin) in Why, Arizona, spending two nights and three days on his wildlife refuge. Proceeds from Held Gear will benefit his community work. I captured video and photos every step of the way. The goal is to cut a little documentary together about… Continue reading Production to Resume Soon
On the Use of Cryptocurrency
A brief summary as to why Held Gear aligns with certain cryptocurrencies.
Livestream Interview of HELD Founder Micah Perry with New Owner Sean Ongley
Join the founder and the new owner for a special livestream interview.
Inventory Clearance
The Held Gear homepage, as previously posted, is now open. The inventory listed is highly limited, it only represents the remaining stock of 37 units that Twin holds in storage in Why, Arizona. To raise funds toward relaunch, some items are exclusively up for presale on this website and will ship in May. Another batch… Continue reading Inventory Clearance